10›Barnacles and bilge rats!›Avast there, me hearties!›Ware the boom! Man the port guns!›Carve out 'is liver an' tie 'im to the main!›Hard into the Nor' wester!›Break out the hardtack and rum!›Eye to the topgallant, Bosun!›Blast me eyes, you lubbers!›Sheet down the mizzen.›Hard by the reef points, you scurvies!›11›Iggy: You may precede me.›Iggy: I suppose it beats standing around here.›Iggy: Oh, very well. But let's be done with this pointless walking about once and for all.›Iggy: Looking for the little boys' room, are we?›Iggy: What and leave all this? Let's get going!›Iggy: Suits me. It wasn't my idea to come here in the first place.›Iggy: Coin came up heads again? Off we go.›Iggy: Do you really need the humiliation of picking the wrong direction again? Oh, all right, I'm coming.›Iggy: I don't know. In this poor light even someone with twice your eyesight and 4 times your brains could get lost. A debauched gerbil might make it. Let's get it over with.›Iggy: You know, even ostriches have the good sense to stay put when they can't see a thing. Let's go.›Iggy: Of course, on to certain doom in the ochre smog of Dispozon. Horrible creatures... deadly fumes... what will get us first?›