1›Coot: Yes! I have the coupon. It's mine now. Mine! I know a domestic droid who'll trade 6 blundorker coupons for just one of these.›1›Iggy: The ship's going up, up, up! I think we're going to make it! Look, Master, stars! Master? Will you scrape yourself off the floor and look at the stars? Some pilot! A few dozen extra G's and old [AX20 falls apart!›1›Iggy's Log: [0 10958.51 [0 After an inexcusably feeble attempt at escaping the planet Dispozon, Master [AX20 has not only obliterated himself, but the only viable transport as well. I have no choice but to give him a rating of ›1›Iggy's Log: [0 10958.51 [0 Largely through my own efforts, and some minor contributions by my master, we have escaped the planet Dispozon. Even though it was [AX20's fault in the first place, I've rated his efficiency at ›1›Iggy: Leave? Now? After all I went through to get here? Not on your life! This ship isn't going anywhere without Iggy, Companion Droid extraordinaire!›