2›Back! Back! Tell him! Tell the tin man or I'll snap your neck! [0 Iggy: You mean if I were to step forward like this, you'd choke poor old Master [AX20? [0 Coot: Yes. Yes. Choke him! [0 Iggy: How interesting.›[0 Iggy: Tell him to get lost, Master [AX20. [0 Coot: Tell him "back", [AX20! [0 Iggy: Lost, [AX20, lost! [0 Coot: Back, [AX20, back!›2›I need a sling-stacker. Give me a sling-stacker or you've had it! No ... a coupon. That's it! Give me a coupon for a sling-stacker or you've had it!›A real friend would give us presents. A coupon. It's me birfday. Give us a coupon. Hee hee hee. Twenty nine today.›2›Iggy: I don't know where he came from, Master, but a crazy old coot has encircled your neck with his grimy fingers. He's trying to hide behind you but I can smell him. I don't think the old geezer's taken a bath in years.›Iggy: Company, Master. There's a scrawny old coot beside you. Well, on top of you really. No, now he's hiding behind you. His fingers are locked about your throat and he's drooling on your lapel quite threateningly. How quaint.›3›Coot: Spies! I knew it! Well, you won't get away from me. I'll make you stop! How do you like that? Can't breathe, can you? Tighter and tighter!›Coot: This'll loosen your tongue! [0 Iggy: What an alarming shade of purple you're turning, Master. [0 Coot: Shut up, tin man, or the midget dies! [0 Iggy: Promises, promises.›Coot: You can't have anymore smog! It's mine. [0 Iggy: I'm fully prepared to stop this old coot from choking you to death, Master. Just give the word. What was that? I can't hear when you mumble and cough like that.›