3›Iggy: The ship's thrusters have engaged. It's bucking and shaking. I hope this old rattletrap holds together. We're going up!›Iggy: We're lifting off. I can't believe this piece of junk actually works. Shuddering and groaning. It sounds just like the noises your head makes when you wake up.›Iggy: Fascinating! After 200 years the thrusters still work. I only hope the rest of the ship is as functional because we're lifting off.›3›Iggy: The ship is setting down. And none too gently I might add! You have all the subtlety of a Kamikaze instructor. Well, at least it stayed upright.›Iggy: The tremble is subsiding. Thrusters disengaged. Talk about a short flight. I didn't have time to order a second drink.›Iggy: Sequence stepdown. Liftoff aborted. Liftoff aborted. [0 [PR30›2›Iggy: Warning! Cooling system failure. Thruster superheat! Warning!›Iggy: Don't you find it rather warm in here? And the smell. Very odd. That's just the way it smells when the cooling system of an old Class 6 fails. And then the thrusters overheat. Terrible mess.›2›Iggy: Warning! Cabin pressure dropping. Seal incomplete. Warning!›Iggy: Master, have you noticed the drop in air pressure? Ah, I can see by the bulgy look of your eyes that you're surprised at my findings. Well, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about.›