18›Hacklebat›Hasselblad›Hobblefoot›Hoppelfop›Humblenod›Happysap›Halflingfat›Hortlefork›Halfintact›Hostilefraud›Hocklefrock›Hufflebad›Hoddleflop›Halfafez›Hardofhead›Hottentot›Hamaneggs›Hockyersox›10›Oh, all right.›As you wish.›Whatever you say.›If I must.›I suppose ... just this once.›You're the boss.›I live to serve.›So it shall be written, so it shall be done.›I hear and obey.›Well, I guess if there's nothing on my social calendar ...›11›Uh, uh.›Forget it.›No can do.›Ixnay.›No way.›Not a chance.›You can't make me.›Get outta town.›Oh, no you don't.›Don't even think about it.›Try very hard to be serious, hmm?›