› WELCOME TO THE ANTIC MONTHLY DISK›                                    ››Most of the programs on this side ›of the disk are for the ATARI 520 ST.››We recommend you refer to the›corresponding issue of ANTIC for›comprehensive documentation. If you›wish to order a back issue, or need›subscription information, contact us›at (415) 957-0886 or, for credit card›orders, dial (800) 227-1617, Ex. 133.›In California,(800) 722-3545, Ex. 133›XXX›ý *** BONUS FILES * BONUS FILES ***ý››If you liked BSRk on your 8-bit,›you'll love it on your ST. We›took the original 8-bit version›and rewrote it in GFA Basic for›the ST. As a bonus, we've›included BSRK.PRG, a run-time›version of this program.››XXX››ý *** MORE BONUS FILES ***ý›››Whenever there is sufficient room,›we will be including LINKLINE on›the monthly disks.››Please see the HELP files on this›side of the disk for LINKLINE›instructions.›››ýýý››XXX››The menu that appeared on the screen›when you booted the disk will only›RUN programs with a .BAS extender.›(NOTE: The menu WILL NOT RUN › GFA or ST BASIC programs!)›If you try to run a program and the›response is 'cannot run Filename',›then check the file extender with›the following list:›XXX›››.SYS Reserved for DOS system files.›.DAT Data file. Usually accessed by› another program.›.TXT Text file. Usually accessed› by another program.››*** Files for the 520 ST ***››.BSR Data file used by the BSR› kontroller.›XXX›››.C C Language source code. › Must be ported to an ST disk.› See the corresponding article› for complete details.››.BAS A GFA BASIC program.› WILL NOT RUN on 8-bit› computers!!!› Must be ported to an ST disk.› See the corresponding article› for complete details.›››XXX›.PRG A compiled ST program which› uses GEM.› Must be ported to an ST disk.› See the corresponding article› for complete details.››.TOS A compiled ST program which› does not use GEM.› Must be ported to an ST disk.› See the corresponding article› for complete details.››.S 68000 Assembly language › source code.› Must be ported to an ST disk.› See the corresponding article› for complete details.›XXX›› Whenever possible, we will try to›adapt our programs to work with as›many configurations of C as possible.›But we think ANTIC's published C›listings should come as close as›possible to the industry standard.› At this time, only the Lattice,›Alcyon, GST and Megamax C packages›do this.›››XXX››All programs from ANTIC issues dated›prior to August 1984 were reproduced›from ANTIC's Archive. We've updated›them from our HELP columns and›most are compatible with the XL and›XE machines. We have worked to insure›that our programs operate as›published, but we consider all our›software listings to be works in›progress which we encourage you to›personalize and enhance.››Good luck, and ENJOY!››-ANTIC ED››