Classic Computer Magazine Archive CREATIVE COMPUTING VOL. 10, NO. 1 / JANUARY 1984 / PAGE 296

Learning TRS-80 Basic: for models I,II-16 and II. (book reviews) Stephen Gray.

Learning TRS-80 Basic: for Models I, II/16 and III

The back cover says this book is "completely reorganized and updated,' but if you have read Radio Shack's TRS-80 User's Manual for Level 1 and Learning Level II, (both by Lien), then you have read just about all but four chapters of his latest book.

Which is not to detract from Learning TRS-80 Basic at all; it is very well written and deserves the high praise it has received. But if you have read those two previous books, you may not want to spend $19.95 for the 30 pages that comprise the four new chapters.

Twenty-six chapters are taken from the first book, and twenty from the second, almost word for word. An extra-wide right margin contains notes that indicate how some models may differ from the text, especially the Model II.

The entirely new chapters are 20: Intermediate Basic (multiple-statement lines, variable names, shorthand tricks, arrow keys, optional NEXT, POS(N), etc.); 41: Advanced Graphics (string packing, array loading, dursor control codes, graphics-character character code patterns); 42: Graphics INKEY$ (real-time input); and 44: model III POKE Features (cassette-speed changes, foreign character set, video-display memory).

If those four chapters sound interesting, and if you haven't read the two previous TRS-80 books or would like all the information in one handy volume, this is one of the basic books for your library, with over 500 pages of easily understood text written by a born teacher. If you want more details than you found in the Radio Shack Level II manual, this book belongs on your shelf.

Review Grade: B