Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 60 / MAY 1985 / PAGE 99


Modifications Or Corrections To Previous Articles

SpeedScript 3.0 Update

Three minor bugs have been discovered in SpeedScript 3.0 for the Commodore 64 (March 1985) and VIC-20 (April 1985). The errors appear in both the printed program listings and the COMPUTE! disks for those issues. First, the SpeedScript buffer is supposed to be preserved after an Erase All or a Load. The buffer is indeed preserved after a Load, making it useful for transferring text between files, but not after an Erase All (SHIFT-CLR/HOME). Secondly, sometimes the cursor does not appear when you first run SpeedScript 3.0. It's a minor annoyance, since the cursor reappears when you begin typing, but it's easy enough to fix. The third bug prevents dual-drive owners from accessing drive 1 when loading and saving. Follow these steps to make corrections:

  1. Load SpeedScript, but do not run it.
  2. When you see the READY prompt, enter one of the following lines without a line number and press RETURN:
  3. For the Commodore 64:

    POKE 2547, 96: POKE 4316, 200: POKE 4946, 234:
    POKE 4947, 234: POKE 7716, 49

    For the VIC-20:

    POKE 4625, 1: POKE 5095, 96: POKE 7370, 234: POKE 7371, 234
  4. Immediately resave SpeedScript by entering SAVE "filename" for tape or SAVE "filename", 8 for disk.

Also, it was not mentioned in either article (although it's shown on the keyboard map) that you can press CTRL-4 to display the disk directory. The disk directory can be paused by pressing any key; the next keystroke continues the directory listing. When the directory has finished listing, press RETURN to exit back to editing. Displaying the directory does not affect any text in memory.

In the "File Converter" program for the 64 version in the March issue (Program 2, p. 137), the modem option does not function properly and should not be used. To transfer SpeedScript files over a modem, you should instead create ASCII files on disk, then use a terminal program with upload/download capability, such as "Plus/Term" from the February issue.

Plus/Term For VIC And 64

This telecommunications terminal program from the February 1985 issue has several bugs, although most common communications formats should operate correctly. The program does not select word sizes of five or six bits, and the parity menu is not properly supported. To fix this, make the following changes:

420 POKE 659, (PEEK(659)AND 159) OR ((VAL(MA$)-1)*32)
800 ON VAL (MD$) GOTO 805, 820, 830, 840
805 POKE 660, PEEK(660) AND 31: GOTO 850