Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 49 / JUNE 1984 / PAGE 149

Apple Educational Software

Letters and First Words is the latest program in the "Kids' Corner" line of software by C & C Software. The package contains three programs that help children learn to identify letters, recognize their associated sounds, and begin to spell simple words.

Animated graphics displays introduce letter recognition skills in A-B-C, the first program on the disk. The sound of the letter and both upper- and lowercase letters are shown.

Letter Sounds helps children strengthen their association of sounds with individual letters. Children pick the object that has the correct initial consonant, middle short vowel, or final consonant sound, depending on the skill level.

In the program Building Words, children learn how letters and their sounds work together to form simple words. Children progress from selecting a word to match a picture, to providing letters to complete the word. At the highest skill level, they are spelling simple words.

Letters and First Words is recommended for children in preschool through second grade. The complete package, including disk for Apple II + or Apple IIe computers, documentation, and keyboard labels, is available for $40. Backup disks are available for $10.

C&C Software
5713 Kentford Circle
Wichita, KS 67220
(316) 683-6056