Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 43 / DECEMBER 1983 / PAGE 10

Cassette Auto-Boot For Atari "Roadblock"

If you have a working copy of "Roadblock" (COMPUTE!, July 1983, page 108), make the following changes to create a cassette boot version.

  1. Load the original listing of Roadblock. This must be a working copy.
  2. Change line 10 to:
    10 OPEN #3, 8, 128, "C:": FOR I = 13804 TO 15010 :
    READ A : PUT #3, A: NEXT I: CLOSE #3: END
  3. Delete line 15.
  4. Add line 1000 as follows:
    1000 DATA 0, 10, 236, 53, 242, 53, 169, 60, 141, 2, 211, 169,
         196, 133, 10, 169, 57, 133, 11, 96
  5. LIST or SAVE to tape.
  6. Ready the cassette on which you want your boot version, and make a note of the tape counter.
  7. Now RUN the modified program (which is still in memory).
  8. You will hear two beeps. Press play and record on tape and then any key on your computer and a cassette boot will be created.
  9. Rewind the tape to the count you noted earlier. Turn off your computer and remove the BASIC cartridge. Turn on your Atari while holding down the START button.
  10. You will hear one beep. Press play on tape and then any key on your computer and Roadblock will auto-boot.

The cassette boot that you have just created should load and run in approximately 65 seconds. For an even faster cassette boot (45 seconds), use Ed Stewart's program in COMPUTE!'s Second Book Of Atari, page 227.

Richard K. Wagner