Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 42 / NOVEMBER 1983 / PAGE 10


The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE!

Tone Generator For The VIC

I own a VIC-20 and I am very pleased with it. However, I would like to know if it's possible to add a tone generator so that when I hit a key on the keyboard a tone is heard to indicate that an entry was made. I've seen this on other computers and find it most useful.

Kevin M. Regenhard

The positive stroke keyboard tone generator you mention is not built into the VIC-20. However, it is possible to program this useful function into your VIC.

Type in, SAVE, and then RUN the following short BASIC loader which will POKE in a machine language program. The program is written to run in the cassette buffer, so it shouldn't interfere with your BASIC programming memory. Once the program is POKEd into memory, SYS828 to start, and press RUN/ STOP – RESTORE to stop.

60000 FOR A = 828 TO 861 : READ B : POKE A, B : NEXT: END

60010 DATA169, 15, 141, 14, 144, 120, 169, 78, 14 1, 20, 3, 169, 3, 141, 21, 3, 88, 96

60015 DATA165, 197, 201, 128, 240

60020 DATA7, 101, 197, 105, 128, 141, 12, 144, 76, 191, 234