Music And Sound For The Apple II/II +
Passport Designs has added Turbo-Traks to the expanding library of software available for the Soundchaser Computer Music System.
The Soundchaser package, for the 48K Apple II + with one disk drive, includes a polyphonic synthesizer, multi-track recorder, computer-aided instruction device, and realtime music transcriber. It may be purchased as a complete analog/digital system (suggested retail price, $1450) or as individual modules. Manuals are available separately for $8 each.
Turbo-Traks includes a 16-track digital recorder that simulates an analog tape deck. It also has a variable number (up to 16) of oscillators per voice, sync to tape or drum machine, and extended recording time. Turbo-Traks is a live performance synthesizer and 16-track recording studio all in one package.
The Soundchaser Computer Music System.Another recent release of Passport Designs is Kaleido-Sound, a realtime graphics program that synchronizes to any audio input. The four full-color kaleidoscopes change color, pattern, and location on a CRT monitor, television, or video screen as the music changes frequency and loudness. Kaleido-Sound (including connecting cable) has a suggested retail price of $39.95.
Passport Designs
116 North Cabrillo Hwy.
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019