Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 29 / OCTOBER 1982 / PAGE 215

Seminars On Microcomputers In Education

Queue, Inc., has planned several hands-on workshops on microcomputers in education for this fall and winter. All will be held in the Greater New York and Connecticut area.

The first symposium and exhibit will be on Microcomputers in the Language Arts Curriculum. The two day program (Friday and Saturday, November 5–6) will include hands-on exhibitions of leading software products in reading, vocabulary, spelling, language, and social studies.

The second seminar, Microcomputers in Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education Curriculum (Friday and Saturday, November 12-13), will include hands-on exhibitions of a wide variety of software on computer education, computer literacy, mathematics education (pre-school through calculus), and science.

A third seminar on Administrative and Classroom Management Applications of Microcomputers (January 21-22) will exhibit a wide variety of software for teacher authoring systems, classroom management, and school administration.

Prices for the seminars will be $45 for one day, $75 for the entire session. A school system may enroll for both sessions for $135, and may designate different personnel to attend each session, or even each day.

For further information, contact:

Joy Segall
c/o Queue, Inc.
5 Chapel Hill Drive
Fairfield,CT 06432