Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 29 / OCTOBER 1982 / PAGE 215

Logica Software For World Videotex Service

Logica's new Appletel Disk allows Apple computer users to plug into the Prestel World Videotex Service. The easy-to-use software turns the personal computer into a terminal to retrieve a wide range of international data including regularly updated prices of: 63 commodities from exchanges in the U.S., Europe, and the Far East; 64 currency exchange and IMM rates; and 713 U.K. and other stocks.

Many other useful data bases are also available, including:

  • – financial/management information on corporate sectors worldwide.
  • – economic indicators and statistics on most industrialized countries.
  • – locations of 22,000 deep sea ships "bound for" or "in port."
  • – bookings at over 400 hotels in the U.K. and elsewhere.
  • – airline schedules on over 50 carriers, with reservation facilities on major airlines.
  • – electronic messaging to other Prestel users.
  • – international news, sports, and weather.

In addition, a wide range of teleshopping services are available, most aimed at U.K. shoppers. Information and services are provided by over 900 companies, some based in the U.S.

With the Appletel Disk, the Apple, and a Hayes micro-modem, the user simply accesses a local telephone number, enters a password, and retrieves any of the more than 220,000 pages in the Prestel database.

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