Ledger System For Radio Shack Computers
The Single Entry Ledger System provides a menu-driven, easy-to-use General Ledger package for a cash basis accounting system. Written with the operator in mind, this system maintains its own data files and provides a variety of reports. The programs are written in ex-basic for computers using the Flex or Uniflex operating systems with 8'' or 5.25'' disk drives. A minimum of 56K of memory is needed. It is also now available for the TRS-80 Model III and the TRS Color Computer.
Some of the outstanding features of this new package are:
—The data files may contain any number of accounts and any number of transactions; the only limit is the size of the storage medium.
—Easy-to-use programming concepts allow for addition, deletion, and editing of files at any time.
—Reports of accounts in numerical order, comparison of year to date values with previous year, transactions by account number and many more are available.
—All programs and files are compatible with Universal Data Research Inc.'s Data Base Manager.
Price: $125, Uniflex; $100, Flex; $95, TRS-80 Model III and TRS Color Computer.
Universal Data Research, Inc.
2457 Wehrle Drive
Buffalo, NY 14221