Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 23 / APRIL 1982 / PAGE 182


Corrections And Amplifications

1. "VIC: Alternate Screens," Home and Educational Computing!, Fall, 1981, pg. 14: change line 500 POKE 648,S:POKE 36866.T

2. "Discovering Atari's 'Hidden Graphics'," COMPUTE!, December, 1981, #19, pg. 98: in the first program, change line 50 SE. X,RC,6 and, in the second program, change line 110 IFX = 219 THEN Z = 97:X = O:Y = 4:G.3O and line 120 IF Z= 123 THEN Z = 225: X = O:Y = 6:G.3O

3. "SuperFont," COMPUTE!, January, 1982, #20, pg. 110: Mr. Brannon has made the following improvements to his program. Change line 1110 FOR 1 = 0 TO 7: A = INT(PEEK(CHSET + C*8 + I)/2) and change line 1320 Z = 0: FOR I = 0 TO 2: FOR J = 0 TO l+(I>0): A = PEEK(CHSET + C*8 + Z): Z =Z+1

4. "MICROMON," COMPUTE!, January, 1982, #20, pg. 160: the author sent in one additional change (to those listed in the article which adapt the program to the 8()32's screen). Change $XD18 from $08 to $10. Our thanks also to John Stout for mentioning this correction. In addition, several readers have mentioned problems in attempting to relocate the main program up to $6000. The transfer memory function must be used first to move the program to $6000. Both New Locator functions attempt to resolve all internal JMP's and JSR's which are not (after Transfer) correct any more. Nevertheless, the moved code should be disassembled to find any remaining out-of-range references.

5. "Named GOSUB With Variable Passing," COMPUTE!, February, 1982, #21, pg. 69: two lines should be changed. Change 270 K = INT(10*RND (1)): L=INT(1()*RND(1)) and also change line 6000 DATA 169,10,133,104,169,0,141,6,10,32,75,214,169,76,141,245,1688.

6. "Timekeeping," COMPUTE!, February, 1982, #21, pg. 173: On page 173, replace Bl with B$ and, in the program below, replace the *60 in line 120 with *3600. On page 174, replace the 902 in line 775 with 920.