Multi-purpose Interface For PET/CBM Computers
TEACHING TOOLS Microcomputer Services announces a new Multi-purpose Interface for PET/CBM Computers. This three-in-one interface provides the following:
- Video monitor connector. Lets you show whatever is on the screen on a video monitor also. This is ideal for classrooms, and anywhere else a large display is needed. A high quality RF modulator (made by ATV Research) is also available, so you can use a TV in place of a video monitor. NOTE: The video adaptor is for PET/CBM computers with 9&inch; screens only, not for 80 column CBMs or "Fat" 40 column PETs.
- Sound adaptor with built in amplifier, speaker and volume control. Provides CB2 sound (the standard for PET/CBM computers). Takes its power from the PET – no batteries needed.
- Audio tape recorder control.
Lets you add recorded messages to your programs — puts starting and stopping a cassette recorder under program control.
The multi-purpose interface easily plugs into the back of the PET/CBM. If desired, it can be clamped from inside the PET, so that it cannot be removed. Complete instructions are included for connecting the interface, and for using CB2 sound and tape recorded messages in your own programs.
Prices: Multi-purpose interface, (requires cable with RCA phono plug at one end, connector for your monitor on the other end) $109.95. Multi-purpose interface and RF modulator (includes all cables and batteries for modulator) $149.95. Sample copy of instructions (credited toward later purchase) $1.00.
Please add $3.00 for shipping and handling.
For prices in Canada, contact SES Computing, 465 King Street East, Suite 9, Toronto, Ontario M5A 1L6 (416-336-4242).