Smart Terminal Program For Atari® Features Autodialing
Redmond, WA—The MicroPeripheral Corporation has announced TSMART, the first smart terminal program written for the ATARI 800®, with provision for autodialing other computers. The program is availble on cassette with instructions for transferring to disk. TSMART permits transfer of BASIC programs between a remote host computer and an ATARI cassette or disk storage device. The autodial feature works in conjunction with the AUTO-MICROCONNECTION, a direct connection modem ($199.50), manufactured by the MicroPeripheral Corporation.
The program permits off-line text preparation (messages, manuscripts, letters, etc.) with a text editing or word processing program for on-line transmission. A built-in feature permits creation and storage of text, then transmission by TSMART for those who do not have a text editor.
TSMART also permits transfer of source code assembler files. The recipient can create the object code using an editor/assembler program. A separate command is available for transferring object (hexadecimal) code files, such as ATARI Music Composer Files.
An AUTOBUF feature will open and close the memory storage buffer automatically when uploading or downloading. TSMART recognizes the automatic buffer open/close (X-on/X-off) codes transmitted by TSMART or other compatible programs. Downloading from FORUM 80 bulletin boards is also accomplished automatically. The buffer can be "toggled" on and off as many times as desired while data is being downloaded. Another feature is software selectable half or full duplex operation.
The program will also automatically send messages to bulletin boards using the standardized block mode or 16 line prompt recognition message entry.
The program was written for the ATARI 800® by Dr. James W. Clark. It can be used with any RS-232 compatible modem, although the dialer feature cannot be used with obsolete acoustic modems.
TSMART is supplied in a protective binder with extensive easy-to-use operating instructions and is priced at $79.95. For additional information contact the Micro-Peripheral Corporation, 2643 151st Place N.E., Redmond, WA 98052, Telephone (206)881-7544.