Utility Package For PET/CBM Users
Professional Software Inc. (PSI) of Needham, MA has introduced POWER, a programmer's utility package in a 4K ROM designed for use with Commodore CBM/PET computers.
POWER is for any CBM/PET user who would benefit by reduced program entry time, debugging tools, and easy, quick modifications and updates.
POWER contains a series of new commands and utilities which are added to the BASIC Interpreter. Designed for the user of CBM/PET BASIC, POWER also contains special editing, programming, and debugging features. Included are special keyboard "instant action" features which make up for and go beyond the limitations of CBM/PET BASIC. POWER is sold with complete documentation written by Jim Butterfield of Commodore fame who has been working with preliminary versions of POWER for over a year.
To make POWER even more "user-friendly", PSI has included new "stick-on" keycap labels (which denote POWER'S most commonly used features) in every program.
There are currently three (3) versions of POWER, one each for:
40 column CBM/PET with 3.0 BASIC;
40 column (9" or 12") CBM/PET with 4.0 BASIC;
and CBM 8032 (4.0 BASIC)