Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 17 / OCTOBER 1981 / PAGE 171

Software Package For Small Manufacturers

COMPUMAX ASSOCIATES, Inc., of Palo Alto, CA, announces the newest addition to its MicroBiz product line of Accounting Software, with the release of MICROBOMP. A ‘bill of manufacturing/materials program’ for the microcomputer.

MICROBOMP is a software package specifically for the small manufacturer. This package is designed to handle inventory control, materials requirement planning and it will also ‘explode’ your bills of material. The program sets-up and maintains three files; 1) a stock file that contains the inventory master information; 2) a bill of materials file that defines the product structures and 3) a schedule file that contains production schedule data.

In addition a data base manager allows the operator to input and update information in these files. The bill of materials processor generates the ‘product tree’ up to six levels deep. Shortages are flagged at run time. Seperate reports provide stock valuation, ABC analysis, materials requirement listings and a ‘MaxMin’ report.

The program will, finally, create a journal file automatically, for those using MICROBOMP interactively, either with COMPUMAX's MICROLEDGER program, or with MAXILEDGER, the new Compumax program for divisional accounting.

MICROBOMP is written in Microsoft Basic, requires 48K and retails for $350.00. For further information contact:

P.O. Box 1139
Palo Alto, CA, 94302
415/321-2881 X56