Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 157 / OCTOBER 1993 / PAGE 109


Looking for a job in today's market can be rough. But Jobhunt from Scope International might just make your life easier. It offers the contacts and the tools needed to conduct targeted national or regional mailings for a wide range of job titles.

The newest version of Jobhunt, 4.0, features three lists: Scope's own targeted profiles of 600-plus companies nationwide; a 3000- to 5000-record list of companies by Standard Industrial Code (S.I.C.) job classification; and your own compilation of contacts you assemble from such sources as classifieds, personal contacts, and Chamber of Commerce and school lists. Lists are expanded and updated regularly. One free update is included in the purchase price.

In Scope's list, you can narrow your search by region or job category or both. In the S.I.C. list, you can compile contacts by code number or state. For your own personal list, you can add as many contacts as you have disk space for.

Once you've narrowed your prospects, you can use Jobhunt's word processor to write a cover letter and then merge the contacts onto the letters and envelopes or mailing labels. Add your resume, and you're set. You can use your own word processor for cover letters and mail merge by exporting Jobhunt's contacts via a standard ASCII file.

Printing a list of your prospects gives a convenient trail of your job search's status and what leads need to be followed up on or crossed off. On the printout, each company's profile is followed by three blank lines for comments. There are also three small boxes, each with a letter inside: N, E, and I. These letters stand for No opening, Evaluating, and Interview. When a lead doesn't pan out, you can easily lock that company out, and it won't print. You can make follow-up calls from within the program using Jobhunt's autodialer and a Hayes-compatible modem.

Jobhunt has a 25-page instruction booklet and a 10-page tutorial you print out that steps you through an example of how to use the program. For the most part, the onscreen menus and instructions make Jobhunt intuitive. Coupling that intuitiveness with its minimal hardware requirements, Jobhunt should be useful to almost anyone looking for a new source of income. In today's competitive environment, this may be the boost you need.


Scope International (704) 535-0614


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