3›Iggy: I'm a companion droid, Master [AX20, not a sumo wrestler.›Iggy: You must be joking. Tarnish myself on some puerile Rambo fantasy of yours? Imagine the scratches!›Iggy: First you annihilated the Andromeda Doria. Then you oblitered the lifepod. And now this. In fairly short order, Master [AX20, we're going to run out of playthings, now aren't we?›3›Iggy: Is there some unspoken animosity on your part of which I should be aware? Goodness knows I've tried to live up to your unrealistic expectations; your meglomaniac rantings; your depraved tyranny. And for what?›Iggy: Oh, so this is how I'm to be repaid. I never complain about the rancid oatmeal in my delineators. I never mention the fact that you devestated the Andromeda Doria! And all my silent suffering has earned me only abuse.›Iggy: And so, insanely jealous of his multi-talented companion, the cruel master is driven to an act of physical violence. But, being short and flaccid, his only recourse is to convince the unsuspecting droid to do it for him.›3›Iggy: Really, Master, I couldn't. BIFF! What about my prime directive? BLOWWEE! What would my programmers say? KABLAMM! Please don't make me hurt you. KRRAAK! Please don't make me hurt you again.›Iggy: HAI-YAA! A right to the jaw! HAI-YAA! A double round-house with a flying camel-clutch! KAAIII - CHOP! Another blow to the kneecaps! There now. Quite satisfying really. Shall we continue, or shall I assist to your feet first?›Iggy: I used to know how to do this. Let me look it up. Ah, here it is under "Termination of Employment". Step one: uppercut to the jaw. Like this! Step two: forearm smash to the midgut. Thus!! Did I do that correctly?›