5›Iggy: Aye, aye, Cap'n. Cast off those lines! Arr, this shoehorn be a sorry substitute for a rower's regret! [GO10 We're sailing blind, Cap'n!›Iggy: This shoehorn makes a rather good paddle, Master [AX20. We're floating out to sea. I only wish we could see where we're going.›Iggy: I really wish you'd stop beating out that annoying rhythm on the sides. I'm paddling as fast as I can.›Iggy: I'm using this shoehorn to paddle us over the sewage. The smell out here is horrendous. And I can't see where we're going.›Iggy: [GO10 Yon shoehorn be a fine paddle Cap'n. We be headin' out to sea, but not to see, if you take my meaning. Aharr!›4›[AX60 Even if I felt like going in that direction, which I don't, there's too much trash in the way.›Iggy: Really, Master [AX20. This is a jacuzzi, not an All-Terrain Vehicle.›Iggy: Always doing things the hard way! Just for a change of pace, why don't we pick a direction with fewer obstructions?›Iggy: Come now. You expect me to portage this overgrown canoe across 600 feet of treacherous, oil-spattered garbage? How long have you known me, Master [AX20?›6›Iggy: [GO10 Be ye tryin' to scuttle the ship, Cap'n? Did you not hear the surf breakin' off that wall?›Iggy: Belay that order! [GO10 You'll have us up for wrack and ruin on the reefs! There be a wall out there! I can smell it.›Iggy: Arrr, Cap'n, there be a bluff has us boxed in. I'd give me one good eye for stiff sou'easter!›Iggy: Hard astern! Hear it, Cap'n? A wall off the larboard bow. [GO10 We'd be staved in and dragged under afore we got near her.›Iggy: We struck a wall, Cap'n Ahabilfad. There be no passage that way! [GO10›Iggy: I realize you're too short to see over the side, but doesn't that bumping, grinding, smashing noise suggest that there's a wall of trash in that direction?›