Classic Computer Magazine Archive CREATIVE COMPUTING VOL. 9, NO. 5 / MAY 1983 / PAGE 276

Understanding Atari graphics. (book reviews) John Anderson.

Understanding Atari Graphics

Understanding Atari Graphics, by Michael Boom. 49 pp. Alfred Publishing, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403. Though really not much more than a tall pamphlet, this work contains a great deal of valuable reference material pertaining to Atari graphics, including a keypress to ATASCII character chart, which can be found in no other reference I have seen, and a color chart showing the hues available with SETCOLOR commands. It also contains interesting material pertaining to the GTIA chip. I just wish there were more than 49 pages available to the author, so he might have taken up a meaty subject or two, like player-missile graphics or display list manipulation.

Review Grade: C+