Classic Computer Magazine Archive CREATIVE COMPUTING VOL. 11, NO. 9 / SEPTEMBER 1985 / PAGE 82

Paper Clip. (evaluation)

The premier word processing package for the Atari has been improved. Paper Clip is easy to use, yet offers the advanced features of programs designed of the IBM PC and Apple. These include: block move, copy, delete, macros, dual text windows, automatic page numbering, headers, footers, table of contents, underlining, boldfaace, superand subscripts, variable character pitch, and custom character sets.

The editing screen can be set up to 130 columns wide, and text can be scrolled in any direction, by the letter, word, or entire screen. A preview mode displays formatted text exactly as it will appear on the printed page. You may further define your own formatting parameters, including screen color, intensity, margins, line lengths, page length, and spacing, then store these choices as a customized version of the program.

Paper Clip contains over 30 printer files for all the current models you may own alongside your Atari. It also features a built-in program that lets you create additional files for new printers that may appear in the future. The package is file compatible with standard DOS files and most earlier Atari word processors. Formatted text can be saved to disk, which is a convenient feature for telecommunications uploading.

A built-in custom DOS automatically detects and utilizes the appropriate disk density. On-screen help is available from any point in the program, and the program automatically saves files to disk as you write. The documentation is excellent and the disk itself unprotected, though keyed through a joystick port. This means you can make as many back-up copies as you like, but can use the program only when the key is inserted.

Paper Clip is compatible with the 48K models 400 and 800, as well as all model XLs and XEs. Mail merge capability is possible in conjunction with Sunfile, a file manager program also from Batteries Included. You will not find an Atari word processing package superior to this one.

Products: Paper Clip (computer program)