Classic Computer Magazine Archive CREATIVE COMPUTING VOL. 11, NO. 3 / MARCH 1985 / PAGE 16

Sorcerers and soldiers. (book reviews) Russ Lockwood.

Sorcerers & Soldiers is a corncopia of wisdom for the beginning computer gamer. It explores game concepts and provides strategic and tactical tips for a variety of "mind games"--adventure games, fantasy/role playing games, and war games.

Murphy explains the principles underlying selected games such as Germany 1985, North Atlantic '86, Fighter Command, Wizardry, and Ultima, and then suggests strategies, tactics, and mental habits to help players. He examines terrain, generalship, ship-to-ship fighting, aerial dogfights, party makeup, and general adventuring.

The games described in Sorcerers & Soldiers take a long time to complete, especially using the trial and error method. Murphy's tips, which are more helpful than that other Murphy's law, can assist beginners in winning computer games and teach you why certain strategies succeeded and why others do not.

Review Grade: B