Classic Computer Magazine Archive CREATIVE COMPUTING VOL. 10, NO. 3 / MARCH 1984 / PAGE 257

Computer graphics for the IBM Personal Computer. (book reviews) Susan Glinert-Cole.

Computer Graphics for the IBM Personal Computer

Far spiffier in appearance, and equally informative, is Computer Graphics for the IBM Personal Computer by D. Hearn and M. Baker from Prentice-Hall. This book is much more technical than Korites', and is also somewhat more extensive. (It is also about 100 pages longer and quite a bit heavier.) I got the feeling that the book many have been directed toward the college student, because there are many problems at the end of each chapter, but anyone interested in graphics would benefit from doing them. I lean towards the Korites book for a fast tutorial on graphics, but this one contains a lot of material I might want later on if I were about to embark on an electronic crayon spree.

Review Grade: B+