Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 39 / AUGUST 1983 / PAGE 263


Modifications Or Corrections To Previous Articles

TI Teeth Wisdom

Line 650 of this program from the July 1983 "Programming The TI" column (p. 199) should read:

650 PRINT " ";CHR$(156);"!}e";CHR$(136) &
        CHR$ (137) & CHR$ (138); "e~ " ; CHR$(127) & CHR$(157)

Bee Trap For VIC

In the instructions for keyboard play on page 102 of the June 1983 issue, line 320 should read:

320 IFPEEK(KB) = 35THEND1 = D1 + 22 : GOTO335

Memory Trainer For TI

For the TI-99/4A version of this program (June 1983, p. 118) to work in standard TI console BASIC, the following changes must be made:

240 IF (DR<1) + (DR>10) THEN 140
270 IF SL<2 THEN 275 ELSE 280
275 SL = 2
280 IF SL>90 THEN 285 ELSE 290
285 SL = 90

Thanks to David Duffan and others who suggested this change.

Atari P/M Graphics Simplified

The following lines in the moving ship example program developed on pages 175-178 of the June 1983 issue need corrections:

360 COLR1 = 25 : COLR2 = 11 : COLR3 = 74
370 POKE 704, COLR1 : POKE 705, COLR2 : POKE 706, COLR3
400 Y1 = 125 : Y2 = 25 : Y3 = 25

Slow List On The VIC-20

The mysterious memory location 37879 described in this article from the June issue (p. 180) is actually location 37159, the high byte of the interrupt clock. Because of incomplete address decoding for the I/O chips, the contents of locations 37136-37167 appear to repeat several times in locations 37168-37887. The location normally contains 66, not 64 as stated in the article. For a thorough discussion of the effects of changing the contents of location 37159, see the article "Versatile Data Acquisition With VIC" (COMPUTE!, May 1983, p. 244).

UnNEW For VIC And 64

This utility program from the June 1983 issue (p. 213) will not work from disk. It must be SAVEd to tape in the manner described in the article.

Minefield For 64

The 64 version of this game from the June issue (p. 266) requires the following correction:

360 B3(J) = BT(J) + .5*BT(J) : B4(J) = B3(J)+.25 *BT(J)


To allow legal jumps with kings in this game for the Commodore 64 (May 1983, p. 90), the following line must be changed:

585 IFLl < = 5ANDU1 > = 2THENIFS(LP,UM)<0ANDS(L1 +2, Ul - 2) = 0THEN600

Crosswords For VIC

Line 860 of this program from the May issue (p. 82) should read:

860 GET F$ : IF F$ = " " THEN 860

TI General-Purpose Data Base

Line 203 of this data base management program for the TI from the May issue (p. 232) should read:

203 FOR IO = 1 TO IR

64 Odds And Ends

The article (May 1983, p. 237) noted that listing could be disabled by POKE 775,200. To restore the list feature, POKE 775,167.

Retirement Planner For VIC

Robert A. Brown suggests modifications which make this program for calculating retirement saving needs from the April 1983 issue (p. 71) more accurate, and also allow calculations for any time period, not just multiples of five years. First, delete lines 120, 460-500, 590, and 600, then make the following changes:

510 D = AI/ (1 + AI/2) : Q= ((1 + AI) ↑ Y - 1) /D
540 W = (SR-S1 * (1 + AI) ↑ Y)/Q

We regret that we are no longer able to respond to individual inquiries about programs, products, or services appearing in COMPUTE! due to increasing publication activity. On those infrequent occasions when a published program contains a typo, the correction will appear on the CAPUTE! page, usually within eight weeks. If you have specific questions about items or programs which you've seen in COMPUTE!, please send them to Readers Feedback, P.O. Box 5406, Greensboro, NC 27403.