Classic Computer Magazine Archive COMPUTE! ISSUE 26 / JULY 1982 / PAGE 106


Dennis Keathley
Webster, TX

This extraordinarily useful Atari Disk technique lets you eliminate DUP.SYS and MEM. SAV from most of your disks and to call a function menu directly from BASIC.

It's late at night and you've been working on major revisions to a huge BASIC program for four hours. You finally finish and want to save it back on disk as ULTIMATE.003 (versions 001 and 002 are already on the disk). Upon SAVEing it, you get ERROR 162 (disk full). You think to yourself, "I'll save it as version 001 since that version is out of date anyway." You get another error, ERROR 167 (file locked). "Well I'll just type DOS and unlock the file. After all, MEM.SAV will preserve my program." So you type "DOS" and sit back to twiddle your thumbs for a minute or so. Wait! There's something wrong. There was no MEM.SAV file on the disk. You deleted it because you needed more free sectors. Four hours of work are lost forever.

Save Yourself 88 Sectors And 75 Seconds

Would you like to eliminate the need for DUP.SYS and MEM.SAV on most of your disks?

The Disk Operating System, version 2.0, is a powerful and well-designed piece of software. It also allows you more free RAM for programming use than DOS 1 by moving many of the utility functions into a separate file called DUP.SYS. The Disk Utility Programs are loaded into memory only when requested by typing DOS. The trade-off is that the file DUP.SYS (42 sectors) must be on your disk in drive #1, and it requires 15 to 20 seconds to load into RAM.

Another trade-off is that the BASIC program in RAM will be lost unless you have a MEM.SAV file (45 sectors) on your disk in drive #1, and using MEM.SAV requires almost a minute longer. Eliminating the need for DUP.SYS and MEM.SAV saves you 88 sectors and 75 seconds.

When DOS is booted into RAM at power-on, the portion that remains memory-resident at all times is called the File Management System. The FMS allows you to perform some file manipulation and directory modifications. The most common way to do this is to type DOS which gives you the DOS 2.0 Menu contained in DUP.SYS. Some schemes have been developed to access the RMS functions from BASIC, but they require you to either remember the exact XIO command or to have numerous short programs on your disk that remember them for you (more time and sectors wasted).

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to call a function menu from BASIC without using additional memory, losing your BASIC program, or performing disk I/O?

MicroDOS is a machine language program that is loaded into page six of RAM (Decimal 1536 to 1791), an area conveniently left to the user by the wizards that designed the Atari Operating System. When executed, MicroDOS gives you a menu of FMS functions, which allows you to select the function and desired filename. You may perform as many functions as you wish, and then return to BASIC. And your BASIC program is still there, intact.

Program 1 is the assembly listing. For those of you who do not have an assembler, Program 2 provides a BASIC program to accomplish the same result. If using an assembler, you may designate "D:AUTORUN.SYS" as the binary output file. This will perform automatic loading of MicroDOS when DOS is booted into RAM. If you are presently using an AUTORUN.SYS file, you may append it onto this one using the /A (append) feature of the copy (C) option of the DOS 2.0 menu. The comments in the listings make them self-explanatory.

For ease of use, we "steal" the DOS jump vector, DOSVEC ($0A or decimal 10) and point it to MicroDOS. Perform POKE 10,0 and POKE 11,6. When you type "DOS", BASIC jumps to the address specified in DOSVEC and DOSVEC + 1 (low byte, high byte). Now it will jump to MicroDOS instead. One more detail: when SYSTEM RESET is pressed, DOS restores DOSVEC to the original value. To prevent this, POKE 5446,0 and POKE 5450,6. DOS will now reload DOSVEC with $0600 (the start of MicroDOS) when SYSTEM RESET is pressed.

Note that the last six lines of the assembler listing before the .END statement will cause this to be done automatically when the file is loaded. In the BASIC listing, the last 16 numbers perform this. Omit them if you desire and subtract 16 from the 342 in line two. If you should desire to reset DOSVEC so that DUP.SYS may be loaded, POKE 10,159 and POKE 11,23. Now, typing "DOS" will load DUP.SYS, but SYSTEM RESET will cause DOSVEC to point to MicroDOS.

Upon typing "DOS", MicroDOS will display the menu:


Note: Underlined letters are inverse video.

Enter the command you desire (only the first letter is necessary). You will then see:


Enter your filename and press RETURN. You must enter the "D:" or "D2:" at the beginning of your filename so that FMS will know which drive to access (do not use quotes, as in BASIC). The function will be performed and the menu will reappear. Note: if you selected RENAME, the correct filename input is "D1:fn1,fn2". Only one "Dn:" is needed and the comma is required.

If you selected FORMAT, instead of FN? you will see:

FD #

to warn you that the information on the disk will be destroyed. Type "D1",RETURN (or D2,D3, etc.) to format, or anything else to abort formatting.

If you selected MENU, you will see:

D #?

as a prompt. Enter the drive number (single digit) from which you wish to see a disk directory, and it will scroll across the screen. Use CTRL 1 to momentarily halt the scrolling, and CTRL 1 to resume. The directory will stay on the screen until you press RETURN once more.

Making Use Of The 6502 Stack

Selecting ADOS will allow you to load DUP.SYS in the normal way if you have a need to do that (and you shouldn't often!). As a safety feature, to select this function you must type the first two letters. If you enter an invalid filename or if FMS is unable to perform the function, MicroDOS will just return to the ">" prompt. To return to BASIC, type "B" (or any other letter that is not a selection letter).

The most difficult part about writing MicroDOS was fitting it into just one page (256 bytes) of RAM. Due to this constraint, a Disk Directory option could not be included in page six. In order to add this feature, the MicroDOS selection menu and input buffer had to be moved to the beginning of page one. What? You thought page one of RAM was used by the 6502 microprocessor as a stack area? Well, it is, but the 6502 will never need more than the top one-third. So we will use the bottom one-third.

If you spend a portion of your time programming in BASIC, you will probably find MicroDOS well worth the time spent typing it in. It has saved me much time and frustration.

Program 1. Source Listing

0150 ;
0160 ;       DEFINE EQUATES
0170 ;
0180  * = $0342
0190 ICCMD * = * + 2
0200 ICCMD1 = ICCMD + 16
0210 ICBAL * = * + 1
0220 ICBAL 1 = ICBAL + 16
0230 ICBAH * = * + 3
0240 ICBAH1 = ICBAH + 16
0250 ICBLL * = * + 1
0260 ICBLL1 = ICBLL + 16
0270 ICBLH * = * + 1
0280 ICBLH1 = ICBLH + 16
0290 ICAX1 * = * + 1
0300 ICAX11 = ICAX1 + 16
0310 ICAX2 * = * + 1
0320 CIOV = $E456
0330 OPEN = 3
0340 CLOSE = 12
0350 GET C = 7
0360 PUT C = 11
0370 GET R = 5
0380 PUT R = 9
0390 EOL = 155
0400 CLR = 125
0410 TAB = 127
0420 ;   ******** MICRODOS SOURCE CODE ********
0430  * = $0600
0440 ;
0460 ;
0470 INIT
0480  LDY #MBUF & 255
0500  LDA #PUTC
0510  JSR IOE2
0520 ;
0530 ;       ACCEPT COMMAND
0540 ;
0550 GRAB
0570 ;
0580 ;       EXECUTE COMMAND
0590 ;
0600  JSR IOP
0610  BPL INIT
0620  BMI GRAB If CIOV error, Y > 1270630  ;
0640  ;              INPUT CONTROL ROUTINE
0650  ;
0660  INPUT
0670  ;              PUT PROMPT ON SCREEN
0680   LDY #QBUF & 255
0690   LDX #2
0700   JSR Q
0710  ;              GET COMMAND CHOICE
0720   JSR IN
0730   LDY #6
0740   STY ICAX11 To "open directory" later
0750  LOOP
0760   DEY
0770   BEQ EXIT
0780   LDA ASCII-1, Y
0790   CMP KBUF
0800   BNE LOOP
0810   LDA CMD-1, Y
0820   PHA      Save command #
0830   CMP #$FE
0840   BNE CONT
0860   LDY #QBUF + 5&255
0870   LDX #3
0880   JSR Q
0890   JSR IN
0900   LDA KBUF
0910   CMP #68 Is first letter a "D"?
0920   BNE EXIT No, then leave MICRO-DOS
0930   BEQ RT
0940   CONT
0950  ;       PUT PROMPT ON SCREEN
0960   LDY #QBUF + 2 & 255
0970   LDX #3
0980   JSR Q
0990  ;       GET FILENAME
1000   JSR IN
1010  RT
1020   PLA   Retrieve FMS command
1030   RTS
1040  ;
1060  ;
1070  Q
1080   LDA #PUTC
1090   JSR IOE
1100   RTS
1110  ;
1130  ;
1140  IN
1150   LDY #KBUF & 255
1160   LDX #40
1170   LDA #GETR
1180   JSR IOE2
1190   RTS
1200  ;
1210  ;      EXIT AND I/O ROUTINES
1220  ;
1230  EXIT
1240   LDA KBUF
1250   CMP #77 Directory Request?
1260   BNE DOS No, 90 to DOS
1270   LDY #QBUF + 6 & 255
1280   LDX #3
1290   JSR Q Put D#? prompt on screen
1300   LDY #SBUF + 1 & 255
1310   LDX #1
1320   LDA #GETR
1330   JSR IOE2 Get drive #
1340   LDY #58
1350   STY SBUF + 2 Restore colon
1360   LDY #SBUF & 255
1370   LDA #OPEN
1380   JSR IOP2 Open directory
1390   AGAIN
1400   LDA #19
1410   STA ICBLL1
1420   LDA #GETR
1430   JSR IOP Get directory entry
1440   BMI THRU Last entry? Go to THRU
1450   LDY #KBUF-1 &255 Tab is first character
1460   LDX #20
1470   LDA #PUTR
1480   JSR IOE2 Put directory entry on screen
1490   BPL AGAIN Go get another entry
1500  THRU
1510   LDA #CLOSE
1520   JSR IOP Close directory
1530   JSR IN Wait for RETURN pressed
1540   JMP INIT Go to selection menu
1550  ;
1560  DOS
1570   CMP #65 Is DOS desired?
1580   BNE BASIC No, exit MICRODOS
1590   LDA #68
1600   CMP KBUF + 1 Additional check for safety
1610   BNE BASIC
1620   JMP 6047 Load DUP.SYS
1630  ;
1640  BASIC
1650   JMP $A04D Warm start entry
1660  ;
1670  IOE
1680   PHA
1690   LDA #QBUF/256
1700   STA ICBAH1710  PLA
1720 ENT
1730  STY  ICBAL
1750  LDK #0
1770  STX ICBLH1
1780  BEQ 10
1790 IOE2
1800  PHA
1810  LDA #KBUF/256
1830  STA ICBAH1
1840  PLA
1850  BNE ENT
1860 ;
1870 IOP
1880  LDY #KBUF&255
1890 IOP2
1900  STY ICBAL 1
1910  LDX #$10
1920 I0
1930  STA ICCMD, X
1940  JSR CIOU
1950  RTS
1960 ;
1980 ;
1990 ASCII
2000  .BYTE 76,85,68,82,70
2010 CMD
2020  .BYTE $23, $24, $21, $20, $FE
2030 QBUF
2040  .BYTE 29,">FN?",198,"D#?"
2060  * = $100
2070 SBUF
2080  .BYTE "Dl :*.*",EOL,TAB
2090 KBUF
2100  *= * + 29
2110 MBUF
2120  .BYTE CLR,204,"OCK", EOL
2130  .BYTE 213, "NLOCK", EOL
2140  .BYTE 196, "ELETE", EOL
2150  .BYTE 210, "ENAME", EOL
2160  .BYTE 198, "ORMAT", EOL
2170  .BYTE 205, "ENU", EOL
2180  .BYTE 193,196, "OS", EOL
2190  .BYTE 194, "ASIC", EOL
2200 EOM
2210  * = 10
2220   .BYTE 0,6
2230  *=5446
2240   .BYTE 0
2250  * = 5450
2260   .BYTE 6
2270 END

Program 2. BASIC Loader

1 OPEN #1, 8, 0, "D:MICRODOS.OBJ"
2 FOR I = 1 TO 342
4 PUT #1, A
10 DATA 255, 255, 0, 6, 253, 6, 160, 37, 162, 50, 169, 11, 32, 209, 6, 32, 19, 6, 32, 221, 6, 16, 239,
        48, 246, 160, 245, 162, 2, 32, 84, 6, 32, 90
20 DATA 6, 160, 6, 140, 90, 3, 136, 240, 63, 185, 234, 6, 205, 8, 1, 208, 245, 185, 239, 6, 72, 201, 254,
        208, 19, 160, 250, 162, 3, 32, 84, 6, 32
30 DATA 90, 6, 173, 8, 1, 201, 68, 208, 30, 240, 10, 160, 247, 162, 3, 32, 84, 6, 32, 90, 6, 104, 96,
        169, 11, 32, 186, 6, 96, 160, 8, 162, 40
40 DATA 169, 5, 32, 209, 6, 96, 173, 8, 1, 201, 77, 208, 62, 160, 251, 162, 3, 32, 84, 6, 160, 1, 162,
        1, 169, 5, 32, 209, 6, 160, 58, 140, 2
50 DATA 1, 160, 0, 169, 3, 32, 223, 6, 169, 19, 141, 88, 3, 169, 5, 32, 221, 6, 48, 11, 160, 7, 162, 20,
        169, 9, 32, 209, 6, 16, 233, 169, 12
60 DATA 32, 221, 6, 32, 90, 6, 76, 0, 6, 201, 65, 208, 10, 169, 68, 205, 9, 1, 208, 3, 76, 159, 23, 76,
        77, 160, 72, 169, 6, 141, 69, 3, 104
70 DATA 140, 68, 3, 142, 72, 3, 162, 0, 142, 73, 3, 142, 89, 3, 240, 19, 72, 169, 1, 141, 69, 3, 141, 85, 3,
        104, 208, 228, 160, 8, 140, 84, 3
80 DATA 162, 16, 157, 66, 3, 32, 86, 228, 96, 76, 85, 68, 82, 70, 35, 36, 33, 32, 254, 29, 62, 70, 78, 63,
        198, 68, 35, 63, 0, 1, 7, 1, 68
90 DATA 49, 58, 42, 46, 42, 155, 127, 37, 1, 86, 1, 125, 204, 79, 67, 75, 155, 213, 78, 76, 79, 67, 75, 155,
        196, 69, 76, 69, 84, 69, 155, 210, 69
100 DATA 78, 65, 77, 69, 155, 198, 79, 82, 77, 65, 84, 155, 205, 69, 78, 85, 155, 193, 196, 79, 83, 155,
        194, 65, 83, 73, 67, 155, 10, 0, 11, 0, 0
110 DATA 6, 70, 21, 70, 21, 0, 74, 21, 74, 21, 6